sunnuntai 25. huhtikuuta 2010

Cycling (117) (25.4.2010)

First bike ride of the year was fun! Just 24 km in 71 minutes, but it was great to go where ever I wanted. I really like an easy and quiet sightseeing in my beautiful home town.

Sunday morning run (116) (25.4.2010)

A nice morning to run at Kasavuori. A little over 8 km in just over 50 minutes.

I've decided to start living "normal" life again. Last night we ate well and even had some candy and potato chips. This will mean my weight will go up temporarily, but I'm sure I will get below 83 well before my deadline.

I think I'll take my bike out later today.

Deadline (115) (24.4.2010)

I decided the official deadline for my last 4 kilos. The date is obvious, of course it has to be Friday the 13th of August the day before the Rumble.

Today was an uninspirational Saturday at the gym. I started with 45 minutes on the AMT, then followed with four sets of inclined bench presses and abs. Before leaving I did three sets of lat pulls.

torstai 22. huhtikuuta 2010

Making weight (114) (22.4.2010)

As always, Thursday is the day for getting the weight as low as possible for Friday's weigh'ing. I ran 10 km in an hour at the gym. Weight is looking pretty good. I'm expecting to be just below 66 kg.

keskiviikko 21. huhtikuuta 2010

Second run outdoors (113) (20.4.2010)

Yesterday I ran 8 km in good ol' Kasavuori. I still can't average 6 min kms. That'll be my first goal in running.

Today we went to the driving range instead of the gym. Tomorrow I need to do something in order to get my weight down a bit. This morning I weighed 86,8 kg.

The date for the big Rumble has been set. It will all happened on the 14th of August.

sunnuntai 18. huhtikuuta 2010

New goal ( 112) (18.4.2010)

A trip to the gym after lunch was a bit tough, but I managed to get an hour of aerobic done. 30 minutes on the xtrainer and another 30 minutes on the bike. I'm hoping I will still be under 87 kg tomorrow.

My new goal is, as planned in the beginning of this year, to weigh 83 kg. This then is my next goal, but I really haven't figured out by what date I want to reach this. Is June 30th too early?

Under 87 kg (111) (18.4.2010)

I made my second goal of 2010.I weighed under 87 kg ( 86,7 kg).

As promised, I started the outdoor running season this morning. I ran a little under 9 km in just under 55 minutes as you can see from here. A lot harder than runnning on the treadmill.

lauantai 17. huhtikuuta 2010

Run (110) (17.4.2010)

An hour on the treadmill. Bought new running gear and will start my outdoor running season tomorrow.

perjantai 16. huhtikuuta 2010

Normal weight (109) (15.4.2010)

On Thursday I ran 10 km (60 minutes) on treadmill and tried to gert closer to my next target weight of 87 kg. This morning I weighed in at 87,2 kg, so I should reach the goal in the next few days.

87,2 kg means that I have reached one milestone. My BMi is now 24,9, and I am now officially normal weight. How come I still feel fat just like before? Got to keep on working hard, maybe reaching my next goal of 83 kg will make me feel less obese?

sunnuntai 11. huhtikuuta 2010

Sunday run (108) (11.4.2010)

Didn't take the bike out, went to the gym instead. Ran 10 km in an hour, the pedaled 21 minutes in the bike before heading home.

I just might break 88 tomorrow morning. We'll see.

lauantai 10. huhtikuuta 2010

AOS-(107) (10.4.2010)

80 minutes and 12,65 km on the treadmill. Spring is here, but I rather ran indoors than out there in the cold night.

Tomorrow I will go for the first bike ride of 2010.

tiistai 6. huhtikuuta 2010

Hotel gym (106) (6.4.2010)

I was in Tallinn for a few days and went to the good gym at the top floor of the Reval Olümpia Hotel. I ran for 30 minutes and did 4 sets of bench presses and biceps.

maanantai 5. huhtikuuta 2010

Synny walk (105) (5.4.2010)

Two-hour nordic walk. 'nuff said.

New week begins (104) (5.4.2010)

Happy about staying beliw 90 kg, pissed off that I can't break 88.

Ran for 30 minutes and did some inclined bench presses. We'll go for a nordic walk a little later today.

sunnuntai 4. huhtikuuta 2010

New invention (103) (4.4.2010)

I came up with a new workout or test for myself. I called it the Indoor Triathlon. My plan is to do 60 minutes on th treadmill, 60 minutes on the crosstrainer and 60 minutes on the bike.

Today I did just the 60 minutes of running and 30 minutes of crosstrainer. I got hungry and bored, so there was no chance on continuing for another 90 minutes. Bt one of these days I will do that.

lauantai 3. huhtikuuta 2010

Morning AMT (102) (3.4.2010)

We're visiting some family today just after noon, so I had to be up early and ready to work right away. I was the first person at the gym when it opened at 9:00 am. I had time for one hour on the AMT before I had to leave, so that's what I did.

Even though I did a lot of stuff yesterday, our good food made me be heavier this morning than what I wanted. I was hoping to break 87,5 kg over easter, but it looks like an impossible task. That sucks.

perjantai 2. huhtikuuta 2010

One hundred and then some (100 + 101) (2.4.2010)

I was really anxious to go to the gym this morning after taking yesterday off. We did have some good stuff to eat last night, so my weight ended up being 88,5 kg for my weekly weigh'ing.
I started with a good hour of running on the treadmill and followed it with 20 minutes on the bike.

Before having good pasta for lunch we went for a kittle over 9 km nordic walk. Now my legs are pretty tired.

Let's see what else I get done over the Easter holidays.