keskiviikko 31. maaliskuuta 2010

Wayne G (99) (31.3.2010)

Another day of boring, but effective running. 40 minutes on treadmill, followed by four sets of inclined bench presses.

I will remain under 89 kg. Happy happy joy joy!

Basic aerobic (98) (30.3.2010)

On Tuesday I did my pretty usual aerobic crap. Once again I was tired, but I'm sure I don't want to bore you with that same crap again.

I did 35 minutes on the treadmill and 15 minutes on the xtrainer. This got me below 89 kg for the first time.

sunnuntai 28. maaliskuuta 2010

Thursday and the weekend (95, 96, 97) (25.-28.3.2010)

I seem to be updating this blog pretty lazily.

On Thursday I was tired, but had to try to make Friday weigh'ing be below 90 kg. After 30 minutes on the AMT, 15 minutes on the bike and four sets of abs I weighed 89,6 kg on Friday.

On Sarurday we ate some fried garbage for lunch. This made our hour of badminton just about as sucky as possible.

Today was better. I spent an hour on the treadmill and 15 minutes on the bike. Most likely I will be below Friday's weight tomorrow. That'll be a good start for the Easter week. I'm hoping to close to 88 kgon Friday.

Btw, yesterday I bought a pair of Peak Performance pants in size Medium. Can you believe that? I sure can't.

torstai 25. maaliskuuta 2010

Three dull ones (92, 93, 94) (23.-24.3.2010)

Slowly but steadily I keep losing the extra weight I gained last weekend.

On Tuesday I spent 45 minutes at the gym, 30 minutes on the xtrainer, 10 minutes on the treadmill and 4 sets of inclined bench presses.

On Wednesday morning I did 30 minutes on the bike and 15 minutes on the xtrainer.

On Wednesday night I started with 35 minutes on the AMT and followed with 15 on the bike.

This mornign I weighed 90,2 kg. So close.

tiistai 23. maaliskuuta 2010

Last time on skis? (91) (22.3.2010)

Yesterday I came home after spending 4 days at the cottage. Even though we spent two days skiing, I still managed to gain a lot of weight during that time. To keep my sanity, I tried to shed some of that weight before Tuesday morning by going skiing. I did the usual 10,5 km in central park with a pretty easy pace and burned off 1100 kcal. My weight this morning was 91,5 kg, so 2,2 kg more than on Friday morning. I have a really tough 3 days ahead of me if I want to get even close to my last week's official weight of 89,3 kg.

torstai 18. maaliskuuta 2010

90 (90) (17.3.2010)

Do I try or shouldn't I? After yesterday's 30 minute run, abs, inclined bench presses and biceps I weighed 90,5 kg this morning. I haven't really eaten anything, so by doing a good aerobic workout tonight it might be possible to reach 89,X kg tomorrow. What to do?

tiistai 16. maaliskuuta 2010

Where is my motivation? (89) (16.3.2010)

I haven't found my motivation to keep on going with my weight loss project. I'm not quite sure why this happened. It's either the fact that I wasn't able to break 90 last Friday, my weight gain over the weekend, the understanding of what's still left or maybe just general exhaustion. I'll try to do something tomorrow and on Thursday in order to get somewhere close to 90 on this Friday and then just relax at the cottage on the weekend. I'm taking two days of work and try to gather up energy for the spring rush at work and for the remaining workout project.

I've lost a lot of muscle strenght during the last few months. I would like to work on it more and more, but I know I can't do it before I've reached a weight and waist I'm happy with. I can only concetrate fully on one aspect of working out.

Today I spent an hour on xtrainer, burning 900 kcal. I'm hoping to weigh less than 91 tomorrow morning.

sunnuntai 14. maaliskuuta 2010

92 (88) (14.3.2010)

My weight seems to be settling to around 92 kg. This, I guess, means that I can fairly easily get rid of about 2 kg of liquid fairly easily, but my "real weight" at the moment is approximately 92. I decided to give up the super strict diet and get back to working on muscle strenght along side of all the aerobic stuff. My goal now is to lose 5 more kilos and reach 87 kg and at the same time gain a little muscle. In total then I think I need to lose 6-7 kg of fat.

I went to the gym. Warmed up for 30 minutes on the xtrainer and followed it with four sets of bench presses (barely was able to do it with 50 kg), abs and biceps.

I will increased my intake of protein, but otherwise I'm not quite sure what my diet is going to look like.

Good morning (87) (14.3.2010)

-6 degrees celcius and a nice clear day was a perfect setting for a morning on skis. I did 12,44 km in just 1 hour 5 minutes and burned 1200 kcal.

Friday weigh'ing was a little dissapointing. I wasn't able to break 90, but I made even 90 kg. I've gained 1,9 kg since, so the skiing and a trip to the gym tonight is more than welcome. Will this be the first week this year that I won't lose weight?

torstai 11. maaliskuuta 2010

Push! (86) (11.3.2010)

35 minute run and 25 minutes on the bike. 90 kg is even closer, but I might not make it tomorrow. If I'm going to be short, it's going to be less than 300 g..

keskiviikko 10. maaliskuuta 2010

So close to 90 (85) (10.3.2010)

Crosstrainer, 60 minutes. I will break 91 tomorrow, but 90 will probably have to wait until next week.

maanantai 8. maaliskuuta 2010

Crappy skiing (84) (8.3.2010)

Worst skiing so far. Weather was a bit too warm to my taste, but that doesn't explain why I felt like crap all the way. I did only 5 km and burned merely 589 kcal.

Who knows, maybe I should take a day off and try to recover properly from the past weekend's Golf Expo. Or maybe I'll go to the gym tomorrow. All I know is that I won't ski for a few days.

The good news then. I'm pretty sure I weigh less than 92 tomorrow. Even though my goal is to make 83 kg as soon as possible, I'm really looking forward to first breaking 90 and then making "normal weight" BMI at 87,4 kg.

perjantai 5. maaliskuuta 2010

Gooooaaall! (83) (4.3.2010)

Yesterday I once again I did the 11 km on skis. The weather was perfec,t and despite being tired, it felt good. 1170 kcal lead to making my summer goal in less than half the time. 12,4 kg gone in 63 days. I'm now a light heavyweight, weigh'in 92,4 kg.

A new goal is already set. 83 kg by the end of the year. I'll try to make it a lot earlier, though. Wish me luck.

X-country (82) (2.3.2010)

On Tuesday I did my usua 11 km skiing. Burned the usual 1200 kcal. Did not feel good.

tiistai 2. maaliskuuta 2010

I'm getting lazy (81) (1.3.2010)

I'm getting lazy with updating this blog.

Once again I went to the gym last night and I didn't update my blog until now.

I ran for 30 minutes and did 4x10 inclined bench presses.

It's raining for the second day in a row. I wonder if I'll be able to go ski tonight?