maanantai 12. lokakuuta 2009

I'm back (12.10.2009)

After six days off from working out I found running really exhaustive. I thought I'd run for an hour, but really quickly realised that that is not going to be possible. I changed my plan to include a muscle workout, and only ran 12 minutes (2,2 km) as a warm up. Then I did four sets of inclined bench presses, four sets of bicep curls, five sets of ab crunches and three sets of shoulder presses. I ended the workout with 12 minutes on the crosstrainer. Total calories burned today in 53 minutes was 747 with TE of 2.6.

I really can't take time off from exercise like this. It's amazing how quicly I slide back into my old habbits of eating too much and eating only crap. I didn't mean to not exercise last thursday, but I had some strange stomach ache from Wednesday to Friday. The weekend was spent with friends at a cottage which was a lot of fun, but all the eating, drinking and sleep deprivation left me with nearly 5 kg (!) extra weight comparing to the Friday morning weighting. Even though it's just liquid, it's still going to take a week to get rid of. Tomorrow's seminar trip with all my colleagues is going to postpone everything by at least one day and make me use my rest day of the week already on Tuesday. Let's hope I can push myself for the whole week. I really need to start getting back to a more strict diet and workout plan.

All comments with encouragement is well appreciated.

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