sunnuntai 25. lokakuuta 2009

Punishment Sunday (25.10.2009)

The bad news first. I make way too good food, and that's really affecting my diet. This weekend I made some Carelian Pastries ( the best translation I could find for karjalanpiirakka...) and my lovely wife did a baked cheese cake. You can imagine that I was not able to stick to my planned 1500 kcal per day.

So. Today when I came home from changing winter tires to our cars I ate some more and really started to dislike myself and my lack of self control. I didn't feel like driving to the gym and thought that a run would be a good punishment for all the over eating.
Just like earlier this week, I ran to Kasavuori. This time I did two laps up there, so This time I did 8,87 km in 57 minutes. I did a small extra loop in the end to make sure I got to TE 5.0. I think this was my second time ever reaching that magical TE value. I didn't aim for a new record time, but rather to have more consistent pace. I think I achieved that goal, at least I didn't have to stop in the middle of running except when I had to fix my pants. :-) I burned 1234 kcal, but my heart rate was so hight that this wasn't really a fat burning exercise. Average heart rate was 164 with a peak rate of 187. I did the peak in the end when running up a really steep hill right by my home. I felt like passing out when I got to the top. See the RunKeeper data at

Even thought I call this a punishment, I really had fun. I was clever enough to have sauna ready when I got back so now I feel absolutely fantastic.

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